The Paathshala of the Jain Center of Central Ohio instills and teaches jain fundamentals, principles and stavans to kids of all age groups. The curriculum structure is grouped by age and divided into 3 parts.
PL1 - the focus is on learning the sutras and the meanings of the following
- Stutties
- Chatteri Mangalam
- Anguthe Amruth Vase
- Darshanam Dev
- Prabhu Darshan Sukh
- Mangalam Bhagwan Veero
- Adimam Prthivinatham
- Khamemi Savvajive
- Shri Shrutadevi Saraswati
- Doha’s:
- Pradakshina Doha’s ( with meaning): Kaal Anaadi Ananta thi
- Astha prakari puja Doha’s ( with meaning & practical puja) :- Jal puja; Chandan puja; Pushpa puja;
Dhoop puja; Deepak puja; Akshat puja; Naivedya puja; Fal puja.
- Aarti : Jay Jay Aarti
- Mangal Divo: Divo re Divo Prabhu
- Chaityavandan (with meaning & practical):- Vidhi steps ; meaning of Sutras & recite /learn all sutras ; Stavan .
- Theory covered
- Jainism:- Tirthankar; Concept of God in Jainism; Jainism Main Principles
- Five Venerable personalities:- Arihant; Sidhas; Acharyas; Upadhyas; Sadhus-Sadhvis
- Tirthankars:- who is our Tirthankars and how they become a Thirthankar (stories)
- Kalyanaks:- Chyavana ; Janma( birth) ; Diksha; Keval Gyan; Nirvana
- Idol( Murti) :- Lanchhan
- Soul :- what is Soul?
- Classification:- Non Living things ; Living things
- Karma
- The power of One
- Sheet
- For PL 3, we follow couple books “The Jain Path” by Aidan D. Rankin and Jaina book (link is below) is our foundation. The students dive into the philosophy and its implications on day to day living and how the principles govern us as we learn to overcome our karma.